
Auto Deleverage in Cross-Margin Mode

What is Auto Deleverage (ADL)?

When a position is taken over by the liquidation system, and the position is closed at a price lower than the bankruptcy price, the system will use the insurance fund to cover the losses caused by the liquidation. If the insurance fund balance is insufficient, the auto deleverage system will automatically reduce the positions of traders with opposite positions, starting with the most profitable ones.

Auto deleverage protects users from losing more than their position margin when liquidated. It also avoids the rigid socialized loss mechanism during settlement and treats low-risk traders more fairly.


How to Calculate Cross-Margin Auto Deleverage Priority

The auto deleverage priority is determined by the position profit rate. The higher the profit, the higher the priority for the position to be auto-deleveraged. All positions will be ranked separately from high to low based on long and short positions. The calculation method for position ranking is as follows:

Position Return Rate = (Current Mark Price - Entry Price) / abs(Entry Price)

Scenario Example

Long on Forward Contract


Entry Price: 200 USDT

Current Mark Price: 220 USDT

Multiplier: 0.1

Position Quantity: 5 Contracts

Position Return Rate = (220 * 0.1 * 5 - 200 * 0.1 * 5) / abs(200 * 0.1 * 5) = 10%

Short on Forward Contract


Entry Price: 220 USDT

Current Mark Price: 200 USDT

Multiplier: 0.1

Position Quantity: -5 Contracts

Position Return Rate = [(200 * 0.1 * -5) - (220 * 0.1 * -5)] / abs(220 * 0.1 * 5) = 9.09%

Long on Inverse Contract


Entry Price: 60,000 USDT

Current Mark Price: 62,000 USDT
Multiplier: -1

Position Quantity: 10 Contracts
Position Return Rate = (10 * -1/62,000 - 10 * -1/60,000) / abs(10 * -1/60,000) = 3.23%

Short on Inverse Contract


Entry Price: 62,000 USDT

Current Mark Price: 60,000 USDT
Multiplier: -1

Position Quantity: -10 Contracts
Position Return Rate = [(-10 * -1/60,000) - (-10 * -1/62,000)] / abs(10 * -1/62,000) = 3.33%


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