Get Private Funding History

  "dataList": [
      "id": 36275152660006, //id
      "symbol": "XBTUSDM", //Symbol
      "timePoint": 1557918000000, //Time point (milisecond)
      "fundingRate": 0.000013, //Funding rate
      "markPrice": 8058.27, //Mark price
      "positionQty": 10, //Position size
      "positionCost": -0.001241, //Position value at settlement period
      "funding": -0.00000464, //Settled funding fees. A positive number means that the user received the funding fee, and vice versa.
      "settleCurrency": "XBT" //settlement currency
      "id": 36275152660004,
      "symbol": "XBTUSDM",
      "timePoint": 1557914400000,
      "fundingRate": 0.00375,
      "markPrice": 8079.65,
      "positionQty": 10,
      "positionCost": -0.0012377,
      "funding": -0.00000465,
      "settleCurrency": "XBT"
      "id": 36275152660002,
      "symbol": "XBTUSDM",
      "timePoint": 1557910800000,
      "fundingRate": 0.00375,
      "markPrice": 7889.03,
      "positionQty": 10,
      "positionCost": -0.0012676,
      "funding": -0.00000476,
      "settleCurrency": "XBT"
  "hasMore": true //Whether there are more pages

Submit request to get the funding history.


GET /api/v1/funding-history


This endpoint requires the General permission.


This endpoint support Futures URL


Futures weight:5

Param Type Mandatory Description
symbol String Yes Symbol of the contract
startAt long No Start time (milisecond)
endAt long No End time (milisecond)
reverse boolean No This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is forward or not. True means “yes” and False means “no”. This parameter is set as true by default
offset long No Start offset. The unique attribute of the last returned result of the last request. The data of the first page will be returned by default.
forward boolean No This parameter functions to judge whether the lookup is forward or not. True means “yes” and False means “no”. This parameter is set as true by default
maxCount int No Max record count. The default record count is 10

**Note:**Because the data changes quickly, if only select offset instead of startAt and endAt, it may cause data inaccuracy or data duplication. It is recommended to page by startAt and endAt

Param Description
id id
symbol Symbol of the contract
timePoint Time point (milisecond)
fundingRate Funding rate
markPrice Mark price
positionQty Position size
positionCost Position value at settlement period
funding Settled funding fees. A positive number means that the user received the funding fee, and vice versa.
settleCurrency settlement currency
hasMore Whether there are more pages