Get Symbol Detail

Request via this endpoint to get detail currency pairs for trading. If you want to get the market information of the trading symbol, please use Get All Tickers.


GET /api/v2/symbols/{symbol}


GET /api/v2/symbols/BTC-USDT

  "data" : {
    "quoteMinSize" : "0.1",
    "quoteCurrency" : "USDT",
    "feeCurrency" : "USDT",
    "symbol" : "BTC-USDT",
    "market" : "USDS",
    "baseMaxSize" : "10000000000",
    "baseIncrement" : "0.00000001",
    "quoteIncrement" : "0.000001",
    "priceIncrement" : "0.1",
    "priceLimitRate" : "0.1",
    "minFunds" : "0.1",
    "isMarginEnabled" : true,
    "enableTrading" : true,
    "baseCurrency" : "BTC",
    "baseMinSize" : "0.00001",
    "name" : "BTC-USDT",
    "quoteMaxSize" : "99999999"
  "code" : "200000"

This endpoint support Spot URL


Public weight:4

Param Type Mandatory Description
symbol String No Path parameter, Symbol
Param Description
symbol unique code of a symbol, it would not change after renaming
name Name of trading pairs, it would change after renaming
baseCurrency Base currency,e.g. BTC.
quoteCurrency Quote currency,e.g. USDT.
market The trading market.
baseMinSize The minimum order quantity requried to place an order.
quoteMinSize The minimum order funds required to place a market order.
baseMaxSize The maximum order size required to place an order.
quoteMaxSize The maximum order funds required to place a market order.
baseIncrement Quantity increment: The quantity for an order must be a positive integer multiple of this increment. Here, the size refers to the quantity of the base currency for the order. For example, for the ETH-USDT trading pair, if the baseIncrement is 0.0000001, the order quantity can be 1.0000001 but not 1.00000001.
quoteIncrement Quote increment: The funds for a market order must be a positive integer multiple of this increment. The funds refer to the quote currency amount. For example, for the ETH-USDT trading pair, if the quoteIncrement is 0.000001, the amount of USDT for the order can be 3000.000001 but not 3000.0000001.
priceIncrement Price increment: The price of an order must be a positive integer multiple of this increment. For example, for the ETH-USDT trading pair, if the priceIncrement is 0.01, the order price can be 3000.01 but not 3000.001.
feeCurrency The currency of charged fees.
enableTrading Available for transaction or not.
isMarginEnabled Available for margin or not.
priceLimitRate Threshold for price portection
minFunds the minimum spot and margin trading amounts
  • The baseMinSize and baseMaxSize fields define the min and max order size.

  • The priceIncrement field specifies the min order price as well as the price increment.This also applies to quote currency.

The order price must be a positive integer multiple of this priceIncrement (i.e. if the increment is 0.01, the 0.001 and 0.021 order prices would be rejected).

priceIncrement and quoteIncrement may be adjusted in the future. We will notify you by email and site notifications before adjustment.

Order Type Follow the rules of minFunds
Limit Buy [Order Amount * Order Price] >= minFunds
Limit Sell [Order Amount * Order Price] >= minFunds
Market Buy Order Value >= minFunds
Market Sell [Order Amount * Last Price of Base Currency] >= minFunds


  • API market buy orders (by amount) valued at [Order Amount * Last Price of Base Currency] <minFunds will be rejected.
  • API market sell orders (by value) valued at <minFunds will be rejected.
  • Take profit and stop loss orders at market or limit prices will be rejected when triggered.