Get Order List
Request via this endpoint to get your current order list. The return value is the data after Pagination, sorted in descending order according to time.
GET /api/v1/orders
GET /api/v1/orders?status=active
GET /api/v1/orders?status=active?tradeType=MARGIN_ISOLATED_TRADE
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 1,
"totalNum": 153408,
"totalPage": 153408,
"items": [
"id": "5c35c02703aa673ceec2a168",
"symbol": "BTC-USDT",
"opType": "DEAL",
"type": "limit",
"side": "buy",
"price": "10",
"size": "2",
"funds": "0",
"dealFunds": "0.166",
"dealSize": "2",
"fee": "0",
"feeCurrency": "USDT",
"stp": "",
"stop": "",
"stopTriggered": false,
"stopPrice": "0",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"postOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"iceberg": false,
"visibleSize": "0",
"cancelAfter": 0,
"channel": "IOS",
"clientOid": "",
"remark": "",
"tags": "",
"isActive": false,
"cancelExist": false,
"createdAt": 1547026471000,
"tradeType": "TRADE"
This endpoint requires the General permission.
This endpoint support Spot URL
Spot weight
This request is paginated
Param | Type | Mandatory | Description |
status | String | No | active or done (done as default), Only list orders with a specific status . |
symbol | String | No | Only list orders for a specific symbol |
side | String | No | buy or sell |
type | String | No | limit , market , limit_stop or market_stop |
tradeType | String | No | The type of trading:TRADE - Spot Trading(TRADE as default), MARGIN_TRADE - Cross Margin Trading, MARGIN_ISOLATED_TRADE - Isolated Margin Trading. |
startAt | long | No | Start time (milisecond) |
endAt | long | No | End time (milisecond) |
Param | Description |
id | Order ID, the ID of an order. |
symbol | symbol |
opType | Operation type: DEAL |
type | order type |
side | transaction direction,include buy and sell |
price | order price |
size | order quantity |
funds | order funds |
dealFunds | executed size of funds |
dealSize | executed quantity |
fee | fee |
feeCurrency | charge fee currency |
stp | self trade prevention,include CN ,CO ,DC ,CB |
stop | stop type, include entry and loss |
stopTriggered | stop order is triggered or not |
stopPrice | stop price |
timeInForce | time InForce,include GTC ,GTT ,IOC ,FOK |
postOnly | postOnly |
hidden | hidden order |
iceberg | iceberg order |
visibleSize | displayed quantity for iceberg order |
cancelAfter | cancel orders time,requires timeInForce to be GTT |
channel | order source |
clientOid | user-entered order unique mark |
remark | remark |
tags | tag order source |
isActive | order status, true and false. If true, the order is active, if false, the order is fillled or cancelled |
cancelExist | order cancellation transaction record |
createdAt | create time |
tradeType | The type of trading |
Any order on the exchange order book is in active status. Orders removed from the order book will be marked with done status. After an order becomes done, there may be a few milliseconds latency before it’s fully settled.
You can check the orders in any status. If the status parameter is not specified, orders of done status will be returned by default.
When you query orders in active status, there is no time limit. However, when you query orders in done status, the start and end time range cannot exceed 7* 24 hours. An error will occur if the specified time window exceeds the range. If you specify the end time only, the system will automatically calculate the start time as end time minus 7*24 hours, and vice versa.
The history for cancelled orders is only kept for one month. The history for Filled orders is only kept for six month.
For high-volume trading, it is highly recommended that you maintain your own list of open orders and use one of the streaming market data feeds to keep it updated. You should poll the open orders endpoint to obtain the current state of any open order.