Stop Order Event

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/advancedOrders",
  "subject": "stopOrder",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "createdAt": 1589789942337,
    "orderId": "5ec244f6a8a75e0009958237",
    "orderPrice": "0.00062",
    "orderType": "stop",
    "side": "sell",
    "size": "1",
    "stop": "entry",
    "stopPrice": "0.00062",
    "symbol": "KCS-BTC",
    "tradeType": "TRADE",
    "triggerSuccess": true,
    "ts": 1589790121382281286,
    "type": "triggered"

Topic: /spotMarket/advancedOrders

  • Push frequency: real-time

Subject: stopOrder

When a stop order is received by the system, you will receive a message with "open" type. It means that this order entered the system and waited to be triggered.

When a stop order is triggered by current trading price, you will receive a message with "triggered" type.

When you cancel a stop order, you will receive a message with "cancel" type.