Private Order Change V2

Topic: /spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2

  • Push frequency: real-time

This topic will push all change events of your orders. Compared with v1, v2 adds an Order Status: "new", there is no difference in push speed

Order Status

"new": the order enters the matching system;

“open”: the order is in the order book(maker order);

“match”: when taker order executes with orders in the order book, the taker order status is “match”;

“done”: the order is fully executed successfully;

Order Type

"received": The message sent when the order enters the matching system. When the order has just entered the matching system and has not yet done matching logic with the counterparty, a private message with the message type "received" and the order status "new" will be pushed.

"open": the order is in the order book(maker order);

"match": the message sent when the order is match,

  1. When the status is open and the type is match, it is a maker match.
  2. When the status is match and the type is match, it is a taker match.

"update": The message sent due to the order being modified: STP triggering, partial cancellation of the order. Includes these three situations:

  1. When the status is open and the type is update: partial amounts of the order have been canceled, or STP triggers
  2. When the status is match and the type is update: STP triggers
  3. When the status is done and the type is update: partial amounts of the order have been filled and the unfilled part got canceled, or STP is triggered.

"filled": The message sent when the status of the order changes to DONE after the transaction

"canceled": The message sent when the status of the order changes to DONE due to being canceled

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "orderId": "5efab07953bdea00089965d2",
    "type": "received",
    "orderTime": 1593487481683297666,
    "price": "0.937",
    "clientOid": "1593487481000906",
    "status": "new",
    "originSize": "0.1", //original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", //The original funds of the market order
    "ts": 1593487481683297666 //push time(timestamp)

The message sent when the order enters the matching system. When the order has just entered the matching system and has not yet done matching logic with the counterparty, a private message with the message type "received" and the order status "new" will be pushed.

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "orderId": "5efab07953bdea00089965d2",
    "type": "open",
    "orderTime": 1593487481683297666,
    "size": "0.1",
    "filledSize": "0",
    "price": "0.937",
    "clientOid": "1593487481000906",
    "remainSize": "0.1",
    "status": "open",
    "canceledSize": "0.1", // Cumulative number of cancellations
    "canceledFunds": "0.1", // Market order accumulative cancellation funds
    "originSize": "0.1", // original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", // Market order original funds
    "ts": 1593487481683297666 //push time(timestamp)

when the order enters into the order book;

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "sell",
    "orderId": "5efab07953bdea00089965fa",
    "liquidity": "taker",
    "type": "match",
    "feeType": "takerFee", //Fee type, this parameter is only included when type=match, message type: "takerFee", "makerFee"
    "orderTime": 1593487482038606180,
    "size": "0.1",
    "filledSize": "0.1",
    "price": "0.938",
    "matchPrice": "0.96738",
    "matchSize": "0.1",
    "tradeId": "5efab07a4ee4c7000a82d6d9",
    "clientOid": "1593487481000313",
    "remainSize": "0",
    "status": "match",
    "canceledSize": "0.1", // Cumulative number of cancellations
    "canceledFunds": "0.1", // Market order accumulative cancellation funds
    "originSize": "0.1", // original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", // Market order original funds
    "ts": 1593487482038606180 //push time(timestamp)

when the order has been executed and its status was changed into DONE;

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "orderId": "5efab13f53bdea00089971df",
    "type": "update",
    "oldSize": "0.1",
    "orderTime": 1593487679693183319,
    "size": "0.06",
    "filledSize": "0",
    "price": "0.937",
    "clientOid": "1593487679000249",
    "remainSize": "0.06",
    "status": "open",
    "canceledSize": "0.1", // Cumulative number of cancellations
    "canceledFunds": "0.1", // Market order accumulative cancellation funds
    "originSize": "0.1", // original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", // Market order original funds
    "ts": 1593487682916117521 //push time(timestamp)

The message sent by the order due to modification

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "sell",
    "orderId": "5efab07953bdea00089965fa",
    "type": "filled",
    "orderTime": 1593487482038606180,
    "size": "0.1",
    "filledSize": "0.1",
    "price": "0.938",
    "clientOid": "1593487481000313",
    "remainSize": "0",
    "status": "done",
    "canceledSize": "0.1", // Cumulative number of cancellations
    "canceledFunds": "0.1", // Market order accumulative cancellation funds
    "originSize": "0.1", // original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", // Market order original funds
    "ts": 1593487482038606180 //push time(timestamp)

The message sent when the status of the order changes to DONE after the transaction

  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/spotMarket/tradeOrdersV2",
  "subject": "orderChange",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "symbol": "KCS-USDT",
    "orderType": "limit",
    "side": "buy",
    "orderId": "5efab07953bdea00089965d2",
    "type": "canceled",
    "orderTime": 1593487481683297666,
    "size": "0.1",
    "filledSize": "0",
    "price": "0.937",
    "clientOid": "1593487481000906",
    "remainSize": "0",
    "status": "done",
    "canceledSize": "0.1", // Cumulative number of cancellations
    "canceledFunds": "0.1", // Market order accumulative cancellation funds
    "originSize": "0.1", // original quantity
    "originFunds": "0.1", // Market order original funds
    "ts": 1593487481893140844 //push time(timestamp)

The message sent when the status of the order changes to DONE due to being canceled