Cross Margin Position Event

Debt Ratio Change
  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/margin/position",
  "subject": "debt.ratio",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "debtRatio": 0.7505, //Debt ratio
    "totalDebt": "21.7505", //Total debt in BTC (interest included)
    "debtList": { "BTC": "1.21", "USDT": "2121.2121", "EOS": "0" }, //Debt list (interest included)
    "timestamp": 15538460812100 //Timestamp (millisecond)

Topic: /margin/position The system will push the current debt message periodically when there is a liability.

Margin Position Status Change
  "type": "message",
  "topic": "/margin/position",
  "subject": "position.status",
  "channelType": "private",
  "data": {
    "type": "FROZEN_FL", //Event type
    "timestamp": 15538460812100 //Timestamp (millisecond)

Topic: /margin/position

The system will push the change event when the position status changes.

Event type:

FROZEN_FL: When the debt ratio exceeds the liquidation threshold and the position is frozen, the system will push this event.

UNFROZEN_FL: When the liquidation is finished and the position returns to “EFFECTIVE” status, the system will push this event.

FROZEN_RENEW: When the auto-borrow renewing is complete and the position returns to “EFFECTIVE” status, the system will push this event.

UNFROZEN_RENEW: When the account reaches a negative balance, the system will push this event.

LIABILITY: When the account reaches a negative balance, the system will push this event.

UNLIABILITY: When all the liabilities is repaid and the position returns to “EFFECTIVE” status, the system will push this event.