Place Multiple Orders
Request via this endpoint to place 5 orders at the same time. The order type must be a limit order of the same symbol. The interface currently only supports spot trading
POST /api/v1/orders/multi
POST /api/v1/orders/multi
"symbol": "KCS-USDT",
"orderList": [
"clientOid": "3d07008668054da6b3cb12e432c2b13a",
"side": "buy",
"type": "limit",
"price": "0.01",
"size": "0.01"
"clientOid": "37245dbe6e134b5c97732bfb36cd4a9d",
"side": "buy",
"type": "limit",
"price": "0.01",
"size": "0.01"
"data": [
"symbol": "KCS-USDT",
"type": "limit",
"side": "buy",
"price": "0.01",
"size": "0.01",
"funds": null,
"stp": "",
"stop": "",
"stopPrice": null,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"cancelAfter": 0,
"postOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"iceberge": false,
"iceberg": false,
"visibleSize": null,
"channel": "API",
"id": "611a6a309281bc000674d3c0",
"status": "success",
"failMsg": null,
"clientOid": "552a8a0b7cb04354be8266f0e202e7e9"
"symbol": "KCS-USDT",
"type": "limit",
"side": "buy",
"price": "0.01",
"size": "0.01",
"funds": null,
"stp": "",
"stop": "",
"stopPrice": null,
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"cancelAfter": 0,
"postOnly": false,
"hidden": false,
"iceberge": false,
"iceberg": false,
"visibleSize": null,
"channel": "API",
"id": "611a6a309281bc000674d3c1",
"status": "success",
"failMsg": null,
"clientOid": "bd1e95e705724f33b508ed270888a4a9"
This endpoint requires the Spot Trading permission.
This endpoint support Spot URL
Spot weight
Param | Type | Mandatory | Description |
clientOid | String | Yes | Client Order Id,unique identifier created by the user, the use of UUID is recommended |
side | String | Yes | buy or sell |
symbol | String | Yes | symbol For Example,ETH-BTC |
type | String | No | only limit (default is limit) |
remark | String | No | remark for the order, length cannot exceed 100 utf8 characters |
stop | String | No | Either loss or entry. Requires stopPrice to be defined |
stopPrice | String | No | Need to be defined if stop is specified. |
stp | String | No | self trade prevention, is divided into CN , CO , CB , and DC strategies |
tradeType | String | No | Default is TRADE |
price | String | Yes | price per base currency |
size | String | Yes | amount of base currency to buy or sell |
timeInForce | String | No | GTC, GTT, IOC, or FOK (default is GTC). |
cancelAfter | long | No | Cancels in n seconds, with GTT as the time in force strategy |
postOnly | boolean | No | Post only identifier, invalid when the time in force strategy is IOC or FOK |
hidden | boolean | No | Hidden or not (not shown in order book) |
iceberg | boolean | No | Whether or not only visible portions of orders are shown in iceberg orders |
visibleSize | String | No | Maximum visible quantity in iceberg orders |
Param | Description |
status | Order creation results (success , fail ) |
failMsg | Reason of failure |